Haven't been blogging for the past 3 days....
This is because both dear and I were out of town...
we went to Wesley's House in Bidor....
Day 1 : 28 June 2008 (Saturday)
We were quite early when we first reached HELP..
Had breakfast and then we head to Wesley's Hostel...which is HELP newly built hostel...which cost RM470 twin sharing....with aircond and attached toilet....however, you need to pay your own electric bill which will add up to around RM500 per month....that's alot for a small room...
Anyway, i'm not suppose to be in the room...but i didn't know that...haha...until i read the notice behind the pass where floor 2 to 8 is strictly no entry for females while flo0r 9 to don't know what is strictly prohibited for males....haha....so we gather at floor 1 which is the common room so that we can play Unhinged(not sure about the spelling)...hehe....it's a MAGIC card but the ability of each cards were rather comedy....
while we were drafting...Wesley's dad arrived...so we head off to Bidor...after 45minutes...we arrived at Tanjung Malim....had our lunch and continued our journey which is around an hour or so.....and we reached Bidor....didn't managed to take any picture...hehe....
anyway, we continued our Unhinged game....and laugh throughout.....
some of the cards have weird ability like.....
Tree Shoe....put 2 SHOE token on the card...
Standing Army....as long as you are standing, standing army gain Vigilance..
Fat Ass....if you are eating, Fat Ass got +2/+2...
then there are many more that i can't remember their name.....
need to sing to untap cards, cannot touch the table, cannot touch face, cannot laugh, cannot talk...
a good way to release stress...haha...
After dinner, we have deck test...and analysis or things like that....
then, we went mamak....yum cha...haha...
after that, we continue our game....
and sleep around 1 something 2....
Day 2 : 29 June 2008
It's the big day.....
National Qualifiers...2008....
It's at Ipoh...
so we wake up around 8am....
had breakfast in the Market....
Then, head off to Ipoh...
i slept all the way there..hehe..too tired....didn't sleep well the night before...
the journey was around 45minutes...
As we approach the place....
we found Jalan Medan Ipoh 1,2,3,4,5 but not 6.....
go round and round....
and finally we reached Game Vault...
it's at second floor....
we where one of the earliest to reach there...
as time approaches..
there were only 7 players...
i might need to play...
but i didn't....
someone came last minutes....
and there they are...
the top 8 player...
Shopkeeper and Abu..
so they played swiss for 3 rounds....
Round 1
we went to Wesley's House in Bidor....
Day 1 : 28 June 2008 (Saturday)
We were quite early when we first reached HELP..
Had breakfast and then we head to Wesley's Hostel...which is HELP newly built hostel...which cost RM470 twin sharing....with aircond and attached toilet....however, you need to pay your own electric bill which will add up to around RM500 per month....that's alot for a small room...
Anyway, i'm not suppose to be in the room...but i didn't know that...haha...until i read the notice behind the pass where floor 2 to 8 is strictly no entry for females while flo0r 9 to don't know what is strictly prohibited for males....haha....so we gather at floor 1 which is the common room so that we can play Unhinged(not sure about the spelling)...hehe....it's a MAGIC card but the ability of each cards were rather comedy....
while we were drafting...Wesley's dad arrived...so we head off to Bidor...after 45minutes...we arrived at Tanjung Malim....had our lunch and continued our journey which is around an hour or so.....and we reached Bidor....didn't managed to take any picture...hehe....
anyway, we continued our Unhinged game....and laugh throughout.....
some of the cards have weird ability like.....
Tree Shoe....put 2 SHOE token on the card...
Standing Army....as long as you are standing, standing army gain Vigilance..
Fat Ass....if you are eating, Fat Ass got +2/+2...
then there are many more that i can't remember their name.....
need to sing to untap cards, cannot touch the table, cannot touch face, cannot laugh, cannot talk...
a good way to release stress...haha...
After dinner, we have deck test...and analysis or things like that....
then, we went mamak....yum cha...haha...
after that, we continue our game....
and sleep around 1 something 2....
Day 2 : 29 June 2008
It's the big day.....
It's at Ipoh...
so we wake up around 8am....
had breakfast in the Market....
Then, head off to Ipoh...
i slept all the way there..hehe..too tired....didn't sleep well the night before...
the journey was around 45minutes...
As we approach the place....
we found Jalan Medan Ipoh 1,2,3,4,5 but not 6.....
go round and round....
and finally we reached Game Vault...
it's at second floor....
we where one of the earliest to reach there...
as time approaches..
there were only 7 players...
i might need to play...
but i didn't....
someone came last minutes....
and there they are...
the top 8 player...
so they played swiss for 3 rounds....
Round 1
got nothing to do...hehe....
Round 2
Round 3
everyone waiting for them for the single elimination round...
Resting time before the standing for the last round out...
Qualifier : Kar Wye
Qualifier : Kenneth
Qualifier : Ken
Congrats and Good Luck in nationals...
Anyway, i would like to award the shopkeeper as Cat lovers....
He and his wife(i not sure) really love cats....
they dedicate the whole back room for their cats..
they actually rescued all these cats from back lanes....
we should appreciate their efforts....
Can you imagine how big is the room?
filled with toys...house....carton boxes....
just for the cats....
whenever there is something moving...
he will be curious...
even a moving finger...hehe....
tired face...hehe....
Below are some nice posters.....
lots of them...
didn't manage to take all of them...
as some were block by table and chairs....
and i couldn't use flash in the room...
so pictures were abit shaky...
so sorry a....
After that, we had lunch...then we continue on with a game that i just learn...
not sure the name of the game...citital or something like that...quite interesting...maybe we could buy that and play some time....hehe....
Then, Wesley's dad brought us to eat Ipoh Chicken and taugeh Kuay Teow
It's nice...yummy....
wasn't able to snap some photos for you guys....
uncle there...i don't dare..haha....
it's quite late by the time we travel back to Bidor...
dear and i played draft....
Kenneth slept early..cause got class at 8am the next day...
while Wesley did some homework....
Went to bed....
Day 3 : 30 June 2008 (Monday)
Woke up at 5am....
Get ready...
and leave Bidor at 5.50am...
and reached HELP at 7am...
I don't know how fast uncle drive....
I'm asleep...
but it is for sure more than 150km/hr....
coz the first time he drive is around there....
What we do they?
we had breakfast with them before leaving us at Block E...
Wesley and Kenneth went for Class...
While dear and I took nap at Level 2...hehe...
Khim and others arrived at around 10....
start meeting till 3 or 4....
not sure the name of the game...citital or something like that...quite interesting...maybe we could buy that and play some time....hehe....
Then, Wesley's dad brought us to eat Ipoh Chicken and taugeh Kuay Teow
It's nice...yummy....
wasn't able to snap some photos for you guys....
uncle there...i don't dare..haha....
it's quite late by the time we travel back to Bidor...
dear and i played draft....
Kenneth slept early..cause got class at 8am the next day...
while Wesley did some homework....
Went to bed....
Day 3 : 30 June 2008 (Monday)
Woke up at 5am....
Get ready...
and leave Bidor at 5.50am...
and reached HELP at 7am...
I don't know how fast uncle drive....
I'm asleep...
but it is for sure more than 150km/hr....
coz the first time he drive is around there....
What we do they?
we had breakfast with them before leaving us at Block E...
Wesley and Kenneth went for Class...
While dear and I took nap at Level 2...hehe...
Khim and others arrived at around 10....
start meeting till 3 or 4....
from left : Khim, Anna, Yan Ling and Chen Ming
missing : dear (hand is inside there...hehe..), me (holding the camera)....
Reached home quite late....
continue on preparing for the next day presentation....
Till here....
continue on preparing for the next day presentation....
Till here....
Labels: assignments, college, holiday, trading card game
Will be away in Ipoh during the weekend. Taking part in the Magic the Gathering National Qualifiers.
Yet, i still need to finish a presentation (youth work and services) to be handed up on Tuesday, and then a personal report to be handed up on Wednesday. The lecturer is giving us a so-called second chance, and we have to re-present it and redo it on our study break. Some second chance...Therefore, am abit busy now trying to finish it ahead of time so that i can have my time this weekend.
Let's pray that i will qualify for the nationals...
Till then...
Labels: assignments, trading card game
After missing 3 days of college....
I'm Back.....
Went to college today...
meet up with dear...
gave him the souvenir i bought him....
a few of them....haha....
Then meet up with my group members for PSY312 to REDO our presentation....
ARGH.....so stupid...need to redo everything again to make him happy....
and then he sent us a mail BOLD and UNDERLINE the word "Choose" and "Option"
Saying that we can choose.....
what is this....
the choice is like no choice after all....
You redo and you might get better grades....MIGHT.....
You don't redo....and you accept the failing grade....
Which one will you choose....
Will you accept a 8/20% grade?
Mind you that it's not my group.....it's the highest among us.....
can you imagine that?
i have seen friends that did very well...
he even commented well done and all...
but only 8%???
you must be kidding....
please look at our standard....
come down to our side....
and see from here...
not always at the high post.....
Received a news today saying that his contract will end this JUly.....
Yeah.....which means no one THESIS will be under him....
GOOD for all...
haha....no more future white mices....

I need to continue on with my work....
need to complete it by tomorrow....
as i will be out of town again this weekend....
have fun doing presentation guys!
I'm Back.....
Went to college today...
meet up with dear...
gave him the souvenir i bought him....
a few of them....haha....
Then meet up with my group members for PSY312 to REDO our presentation....
ARGH.....so stupid...need to redo everything again to make him happy....
and then he sent us a mail BOLD and UNDERLINE the word "Choose" and "Option"
Saying that we can choose.....
what is this....
the choice is like no choice after all....
You redo and you might get better grades....MIGHT.....
You don't redo....and you accept the failing grade....
Which one will you choose....
Will you accept a 8/20% grade?
Mind you that it's not my group.....it's the highest among us.....
can you imagine that?
i have seen friends that did very well...
he even commented well done and all...
but only 8%???
you must be kidding....
please look at our standard....
come down to our side....
and see from here...
not always at the high post.....
Received a news today saying that his contract will end this JUly.....
Yeah.....which means no one THESIS will be under him....
GOOD for all...
haha....no more future white mices....

I need to continue on with my work....
need to complete it by tomorrow....
as i will be out of town again this weekend....
have fun doing presentation guys!
Labels: assignments, college
The second longest time i spent without my dear near me...
The previous one was last year....
went i went camp and my dear went Hong Kong....
1 whole week....
limited messages....
limited phone calls....
super extra expensive bills....
lots of souvenir too....
went i went camp and my dear went Hong Kong....
1 whole week....
limited messages....
limited phone calls....
super extra expensive bills....
lots of souvenir too....
Day 1 : 22 June 2008 (Sunday)
Woke up early in the morning...5.40am...
My Breakfast of the day...Yum yum.....
After check in, waited for the departure time...
it's like so long....
why do we need to reach the airport 2 hours before departure?
i think 45minutes also enough already...hehe....
What to do?
Malaysia people all kiasu...
not forgeting...the free seating policy in Air Asia...
My aunt said that they were numbered seating...as they stated it in the ticket...
as i remember..we don't have such things...
so what happen?
When the people announced that the flight is available to board...
everyone rush to the queue...
but not queuing...
they literally cut queue...
as if you were not there...
lucky they allow children and old people to board the plane first...
so my grandmother accompany by 3 kids...
managed to save some space for us....
once we were allowed to board the plane...
those people actually ran towards the plane...
some even thought of shortcuts...
but got rejected...haha....
In the plane.....nice nice...scenery....
(lots more...i got addicted towards the flight wings...haha...)
Upon landing at Langkawi International Airport..
Me....and Air Asia plane...
Meeting up with the tourguide....
Nice van he had......Kia Pregio...that fit 12 of us....haha....
Can you see what is this?
I'm doing homework in the van!
In langkawi.....
My first lunch at Langkawi...
Yum Yum....Wantan Mee with Pork...^^
The famous Eagle Square....
Can you see what my cousin Bryan is holding?
Some cute statue...lots of them....as tall as i am too...
This is Bird Paradise......
RM 12/Adult and Rm8/ Children Free Picture with the Green Parrot....
My cousins and I....
There's another creature that is alive there....can you see it?
After the tiring trip around the Bird Paradise,
we had the chance to experience
Hot spring....
Then, we went back to our hotel...Langkasuka Beach Resort....
4 star....but i think old 4 star...anyway...the beach it's really nice there...haha...
At night we went shopping at Pantai Cenang...those stalls.....
As beer is cheaper than water, RM1.70 for Carlberg and RM2.00 for mineral water....my aunt and uncle had beer party...hehe....
Day 2 : 23 June 2008 (Monday)
We went Island Hopping....
RM915 for 9 adult and 3 children....
This is the first island we stop by.....
Day 1 : 22 June 2008 (Sunday)
Woke up early in the morning...5.40am...
mum: late already..wake up....the limo will arrive in 20minutes....
me : huh? it's just 5.40am....
mum :really a? kk...go back to sleep...
me : haha....
me : huh? it's just 5.40am....
mum :really a? kk...go back to sleep...
me : haha....
the limo arrived exactly at 7am....
then head off to LCC Terminal.....
In 45 minutes...we reached there safely...
as i need to find a place to do my assignment...which is due on that day...
we stopped at McD...
then head off to LCC Terminal.....
In 45 minutes...we reached there safely...
as i need to find a place to do my assignment...which is due on that day...
we stopped at McD...

After check in, waited for the departure time...
it's like so long....
why do we need to reach the airport 2 hours before departure?
i think 45minutes also enough already...hehe....
What to do?
Malaysia people all kiasu...
not forgeting...the free seating policy in Air Asia...
My aunt said that they were numbered seating...as they stated it in the ticket...
as i remember..we don't have such things...
so what happen?
When the people announced that the flight is available to board...
everyone rush to the queue...
but not queuing...
they literally cut queue...
as if you were not there...
lucky they allow children and old people to board the plane first...
so my grandmother accompany by 3 kids...
managed to save some space for us....
once we were allowed to board the plane...
those people actually ran towards the plane...
some even thought of shortcuts...
but got rejected...haha....
(lots more...i got addicted towards the flight wings...haha...)
Nice van he had......Kia Pregio...that fit 12 of us....haha....
I'm doing homework in the van!
In langkawi.....

Yum Yum....Wantan Mee with Pork...^^
Can you see what my cousin Bryan is holding?
RM 12/Adult and Rm8/ Children Free Picture with the Green Parrot....
There's another creature that is alive there....can you see it?
After the tiring trip around the Bird Paradise,
we had the chance to experience
Then, we went back to our hotel...Langkasuka Beach Resort....
4 star....but i think old 4 star...anyway...the beach it's really nice there...haha...
At night we went shopping at Pantai Cenang...those stalls.....
As beer is cheaper than water, RM1.70 for Carlberg and RM2.00 for mineral water....my aunt and uncle had beer party...hehe....
Day 2 : 23 June 2008 (Monday)
We went Island Hopping....
RM915 for 9 adult and 3 children....
Had lots of fine here...
Have you tired swimming with life jacket?
haha...it's 10 to 15 meters deep here....
First time dive into so deep water....
(my aunt didn't manage to jump...haha...)
We went and fish...
and i managed to fish 2...haha..
(cannot be eaten...we release it back to the ocean...)
Then, we had seafood BBQ....all you can eat...
Went back to hotel and rest as it's raining.....
Then we had another Shopping Spree...
My grandmother....and Martell...
new model...><
Chocolate Model....
Then we had another Shopping Spree...
new model...><
As it's the last night at this hotel, we went to the beach and had a beach party...
beers and kahlua....
Family Gathering... :)
Nice scenery......
Day 3 : 24 June 2008 (Tuesday)
Supposed to go Cable Car and Oriental Village today....
but then it pours heavily....
Very very heavy....
We postponed it an hour later...
but it continue to pours...
leaving us with no choice...
we went for some indoor activities....
RM 28/ adult RM 15/ Children
beers and kahlua....
Day 3 : 24 June 2008 (Tuesday)
Supposed to go Cable Car and Oriental Village today....
but then it pours heavily....
Very very heavy....
We postponed it an hour later...
but it continue to pours...
leaving us with no choice...
we went for some indoor activities....
RM 28/ adult RM 15/ Children
think back...
sounds so stupid....but he's really huge....
so if any of you go beach...
remember to collect some free souvenirs for me...
As there are nothing much that we could do, we went check out our hotel and changed to another hotel in town...which is Bayview ho tel....
another 4 star hotel...
a real one....
the pool is really cool...
it's at 4th floor...which is the same floor where my room was....
it's raining when we try out the pool...
and it's super cold....
got con by my brother...
as we were at the Kuah town...we went shopping...
It stated Chocolate Flavor....
And it's a cigrate...
it's made in Langkawi...hehe....
very nice...
price also nice.....
Day 4 : 25 June 2008 (WEdnesday)
It's the last day in Langkawi...
It dizzle for awhile....before we reached Cable Car...
But then it stop...
we were delighted...
However, they say that they have some maintence and we need to wait till 12pm only it starts operating....
so we went to the rabbit and deer farm...
Can you guess how old is she?
As we need to wait till 12pm..we went and have a look at the port....
i forgot the name...there are ships and yatch there...
even Mahathir ' s bread shop is situated there...
Went back to Cable Car....and it says that it is close.....although it's 12...
Because the radar detect that there are thunder up there....
while down here is so bright...and hot....
Can't do anything ...we head of to Craft Centre....
And then to Black Sand Beach.....
After that we head back to hotel, took our luggage...
then had our final lunch...and final shopping....
where i got dear's Top Deck Carlbery Chocolate....
Head off to airport....
we were early for 2 hours plus....
Malaysia is so not professional..
So, we packed everything in the bag...
After all the hustle, the kastam ask why we put it all inside..
we were suppose to hand carry it...
it's not suppose to be in the bag....
that sign is only for international passengers....
it's not written there....
we head over to the check in counter..
don't know what took him so long....
during check in...
the person was unwilling to put the fragile sign on the luggage....
he say that their policy it's no bottle in the luggage....
so we took out some....
when we reached the second kastam....
the kastam officer stop us...
asked why we bring the liquor in...
they even show us the poster they stick around saying that you not suppose to bring any liquid more than 100ml up the the plane....so if we were bringing liquor and it's brand new...of course it's more than 100ml.....
who should we listen to?
Can't help it...
this is Malaysia...
so we managed to bring up some to the plane....
and some in the luggage...
haha..violating abit of here and there...
but no idea which is right which is wrong....
Arrived at LCC Terminal at 6.35pm...
Took a private limo back to my house.....
unpacked the stuff...
and this is what we bought....
acutally it's only part of it...excluding t-shirt and some chocolate...haha...
Took a private limo back to my house.....
unpacked the stuff...
and this is what we bought....
acutally it's only part of it...excluding t-shirt and some chocolate...haha...
hope you all like it....
Although there are many complications in between, it's still a nice trip..get to skip class...release stress..and most of all...spent time with family... ^^
Labels: holiday