Went to the supplier to restock our store today. Our business is growing, but i did not expect it to grow so fast till we need to fork in another Rm100 each just to restock in a larger yet cheaper amount. I needed the money for this weekend holidays. Sobs...
So, please go checkout our store at: Kaycie Store sometime next week. Will be waiting for the stock to arrive at my house (yes, they will be sending it to us. Imagine how much we bough!) next week. Many new stuffs at a cheaper price!

Hadn't been playing Magic TCG for quite some time. Now that the new expansion Shards of Alara is out, i will be even more far behind if i still isolate myself from the gaming community and the game itself. Ever since my semester started, there has been rarely time for me to play and strategize about magic, not to mention that my mum refuses let me go for FNMs. Unlike her, my hobbies aren't important at all. Although i tried to justify to her saying that it's only once a week where i go for FNMs, she still doesn't seem pleased about it. Oh, and did i mentioned that last time she gets to go out hang out with her aerobic friends every Tues, Thurs and Friday nights? Now can you see how her hobbies are way different from mine?
After getting into the game of Magic TCG for say.. half a year? I've learnt many new things. When i started playing Magic TCG last time (say, 10 years old?), all i know is that to win the game is to built the best deck ever and to play it without mistakes. Now, i began to see that decks are tweeked based on the perceived current meta-game so that your deck has a more advantage than the others. Not just using a deck with RM2000 worth of cards will win you a tourney. Sometimes, just a basic deck which is more suitable for the meta-game can basically do the same thing.
Anyways, i need to go on with my Health Psych assignment. Boring... Just some of my thoughts.
Till then..
lots of new teddies on the way...
so cute...
had hard time choosing which to buy...
all so nice and comfy...
not forgetting cuddly...
Make sure you all won't be disappointed...
Price 99.999% cheaper than outside...
(incase one shop suddenly sell cheaper...haha...)
Will upload some pictures here when we get the stocks...
have you seen dogs abandoned by their masters?
i personally had a chance today...
my dad's boss's son brought his SHIH TZU to the factory last friday...
left him there with a small box of kibbles and a bottle water...
not forgetting his home...(a basket nicely decorated....)

When i first glance at him,
he looked so pity...
no direction...
lying there...
waiting for his master to come back...
i went and patted him...
no response...
after awhile...
he started jumping...
wiggle tail...
what is this called?

if you don't love them,
please do not take them into your family...
you need to spend TIME and MONEY...
Please be responsible...
the dog stinks and his furs are so dirty...
his skins are infected...
wounds here and there...
pity HIM....
my dad asked me to bath him...
with HANDWASH, COLD water....and COLD dryer....
at least he is so much cleaner after the FREEZING COLD session...
his bed was so dirty...
the bee even created a home to share with him there...
can you imagine how much time the master spend with him?
BUT a dog is loyal...
he get back into the basket whenever he sees it..
no matter how many time you carry him out of the basket he still goes back in....
I guess if he sees his master he will be jumping in jittery...

Hope that someone will love him more than his master does..
I bathed Kaycie too...
will post up the pictures next time...hehehe...
Too tired....
Till here....
Labels: bored, business, kayciestore, pets, trading card game
Although i really don't want to...
i HAVE too...
Because my toothache....
i can't even bite a piece of cucumber...
how about chewing?
don't ever think of it...
Got up super early on SUNDAY morning...
reached the clinic at 10.15am..
got scolded for not being there before 10am...
(they don't accept patient after 10am)
as if i reached before 10am i will be able to see the dentist straight...
i even told her that i'm not there to consult the dentist...
i'm there to COMPLAINT!
Waited for several hours....
almost 1pm...
FINALLY it's my turn...
the dentist check this and that...
then, ask whether i want to refill again or she trim it lower so that i won't pain..
She actually decided for me..
she TRIM it lower...
can you imagine trimming the teeth lower so that i don't bite on it and i won't be in so much pain?
WHAT kind of dentist is this?
i ASKED her...
if like that, i will still bite on that teeth and i still will feel the pain right?
she SAID NO...
cause the teeth is lower?

I'm MAD!!
Yea... pity my dear had to go to the dentist again for a checkup which was supposed to have healed her toothache 1 week ago. Stupid dentist. Should complain her to the ministry of health. Wait... I don't think they will care la, since they are so "busy".
Anyways, i woke up at about 10am today, went for breakfast and then to church for caroling practice. Yea, the Christmas season is here. So, played a few songs on the guitar, then went home.
Night, went out for dinner and then shopped awhile then back home.
Quite looking forward to this coming holidays. Although i am not going anywhere, but still i don't mind using a few days off to rest from this busy and stressful semester.
Hope to go some places during this holidays, and yet feel like staying at home and rest for awhile. Hmm... what should i do?
How i wished there were more time in a day...
TIll then...
slept the whole day...
then went shopping...
so many people shopping at late night after 11pm...
all last minutes shopping...
can't help it...
everyone is BUSY>.<
today is someone's birthday....

Hope you have a great one with your partner...
Best wishes and all the best...
Till here...
but i woke up late...
reached around 8.45am...
After class, we spent some time in DSA..
then we went HP Tower...
For Breakfast / Lunch...
at 11.00am...

After that,
we continued with our PSY 302 never ending meeting...
forever discussing the same thing...
never end....
no idea why...
then, we played Carcassone
with Chen Ming, Mic, Jia Yi, and Yin Pin....
head off to Wisma HELP, LH 8.3 for Rotaract Meeting....
(update pictures later...^^)
Then, went for experiment...
we have extra...
cause we only need the compulsory 2 hours...
but everyone is like..
help la...help la...hehe...
We played Carcasson again...
This time at DSA with Farah and James...
It poured super heavy...
this time i didn't wear skirt...
super heavy...
and our class next class is at KPD E, AE1...
with an umbrella...
both of us run back there...
both wet...
air condition felt like it super powerful today...
super cold..
basically frezzing...
Once break,
Chen Ming, Dear and I head off to LAN Maju.....
for tea time...
they save my day...
no more ice fingers...hehe....
As for dinner at around 10pm.....
i had super hard food....
why i say so?
cause my tooth still ache...huhu...
going to find way to sue the dentist......
Labels: food

As subsequent tiles are arrayed on the board, objects get bigger or even merge. When roads or cities are completed, or a monastery is surrounded, the control marker is returned to you and you score the points. However, farmers are not returned and will score points at the game end.
Therefore, it's possible to have all of your control markers locked on the board on incomplete objects, and not be able to convert them into farmers later in the game. You must balance the need to score points during the game with the need to score farmer points at game end.
The goal is to have the most points at the end, which can be tricky to control considering your choice for each turn isn't the tile itself, but rather the placement of the tile that you drew.
Labels: game review
didn't managed to visit him yesterday as i'm not so free...
visited him today...
brought one of my brother octopus for him...
can you see it?
if any of you interested, can contact me...
my brother selling...
got various sizes..
Back to the topic...
he was admitted due to Pneumonia..
Know what's that?
It's something to do with lungs infections....
Guess how old is him....
Labels: sick
not fair...
why does these always happen on me?
sad la...
leg gets wet....
shoes get dirty...
and so on.....
please don't make it happen again next time...
thanks in advance... :)
Till here...
Labels: life
Yes, i am so tired right now. Tired of rushing for ERB, tired of rushing for Forensic Psych, tired of managing my newly formed club MindGames.
Check out the website which i have set up for the new club. Nothing much, but at least its a start.
Thesis meeting has been postponed today because i was not ready. lol. Too many things to be done. Need to start organizing.
Anyway, Mind Games had their mini-recruitment drive today to let the public to actually test and play the games before joining the club. Twas a small success, coz we were also selling some stuffs there, and we made some profit. Haha.
I don't think we will be organizing anything "big" anymore for MindGames for this semester, coz it's starting to get busy for us. Unless the other intakes (year 1 or 2) students can help organize something, then that wil be great. Let's hope so...
Anyways, need to continue craking ideas for my Forensic Psych now.
Till then...
thanks to all of you who came today...
it's "successful"...
we did some business and we did earn some...
we played some games and we did had fun...
we talked to each other and we did make new friends...
hope that everything will go on smoothly...
then very soon we will be able to buy new games...
pictures of the day....
can you identify who is who?
(More pictures to be uploaded by dear....at Mind Games Blog)
And we meet the birthday girl too....
" Happy Birthday, Vic!"
Sorry a...we didn't prepare your present....
will pass it to you very soon k....
Hope you have a great day....
Till here...
- Industrial Organizational Psych meeting tomolo - not done
- Mind Games meeting tomolo - half done
- Health Psych meeting tomolo - not done
- Thesis meeting on Wednesday - half done
- Forensic Psych serial killer homework - 1/4 done
There seems to be never-ending things to be completed once this semester began, but i am so not motivated to do those stuffs. Mainly because some of the people from each of those meetings that i have are so not ... well, i would say they are so not productive. I'm just out of ideas on how to motivate and encourage them to work as a team.
So far, Forensic Psych has given me the best interest during classes. Perhaps it's because of the lecturer, perhaps the subject. It's the one and only interesting subject that i am taking this semester lol. The other 2 subjects are Health Psych (are you kidding???) and Industrial Organizational Psych (???).
Anyways, will need to continue doing my homework as for now...
i just realised i haven do anything for my Health Psychology meeting tomorrow..
luckily dear list it out...
by the way...
you miss out one..
or maybe few that i done remember currently...
Rotaract Meeting Friday....
i haven't prepare anything...
so many things to be done...
we need to bear with it...
hope everything will be fine...
sold this today...
allow us to eat lunch...shopping...
thanks and nice dealing with you...
she ordered more stock...
What you waiting for??
Come visit kayciestore

feel free to drop by on this coming Wednesday....
Till here...
Labels: angry, assignments, busy, college
wasted few hundred bucks...
it wasted few hours before my turn...
waiting anxiously...
the sound of the machine...
the screams and cries of other customers...
really made me feel like running away...
went there not because of my teeth pain...
but for checkup...
what the dentist did?
did cleaning...which i didn't want to...
because will got hole in between all the teeth...
but she say will got infection if i don't..
i allowed her to do so...
after all the zing..zhergh...zing...
so pain...
i cried...
i tried changing my attention...
used reversed psychology on myself...
it only survive not longer than 5minutes...
i started feeling the pain again...
she 100% not a good dentist...
she uses the tweezer so unprofessionally...
she actually squeeze my gums instead of my teeth...
i can even smell the machine over heated...
she continue on...
nevermind that...
the story goes on and on....

not going to repeat the same mistake again..
will visit another dentist next time...
Sold pink bunnie today..

thanks...and nice dealing with you (a pretty girl...call me for her contacts...haha..)
Till here
Labels: disaster, kayciestore
a day to rest and have fun...
a bit la...
been looking around for dresses for Installation night but i didn't see one that i like...
after that night,
i saw many dresses...
pretty dresses...
i guess this is what happens in life...
we don't always get what we want in life...
when we don't want, then it will appear...
it happened to me for quite a few times..
does this happen to you as well?
i wonder...
some of the pretty dresses...

some others...don't know where i put the pictures...haha...
and i got my hair cut today...

before...my fringe is still long...

after...those picture in dresses are after...
i can't clip my hair and it's so short compare to last time...
she cut 3 to 4"...huhu....
till here...
today agenda's MEETINGs
- 9.00am -meeting for I/O Psychology
- 10.00am - meeting for MINDGAMES
- 12.oopm - meeting for THESIS (cancelled)
- 1.oo pm - meeting at Nando's Midvalley
- 2.00 pm - meeting with Chen Ming (yum cha)
- 3.00 pm - class...
- 4.00 pm -meeting for forensic Psychology Assignment
- 4.30 pm -meeting with Roberta
- 5.00 pm - plan meeting for assessment
- 8.00 pm - Meeting with Steven (cancelled)
but we managed to get over it...
we even pass up our assignment early in the morning although it's due at 5.30pm...
not the first time...
but it's rarely something that i will do...
as i don't want to pass up my assignment till the very last minutes so that i can check and make corrections here and there...
"Congratulations, Mr. Wong and Mrs. Wong"
Although a bit late...
hope Esther like the piggie...

i realise some i love clips...
bought some clips today...
some are for you my friends...

i don't know which to give out...
each clips give particular meaning to me...
help me anyone?
Till here...
Today has been a hectic and tiring day for me. One of my assignments is due tomolo.
Am busy with my assignments now, and then later on manage a club. Haha
Till then...
i just realised a few of our post title is has to do with "BUSY"
been very busy lately..
clubs meeting...
group meetings...
different subject assignment meetings...
shop COD meetings....
and the list goes on....
hope that everything will be fine in the days to come....

Till here....
Labels: assignments, busy
basically i handle the meeting...
and only few of our members attended the meeting...
mostly all are committees...
first time...
no response....
but silence is golden wo... (in library good la...)
not in meeting me...
when ask for opinion no people answer...
so swt...

hope the upcoming club meetings will be better with dear handling it...
(upload pictures later....with dear..^^)
Labels: MindGames
Went for class today. My dear as so so tired in class that she slept for half the Advance Research Methods class and then skipped the later half session of the class. lol. It doesn't matter, cause we have already passed the class. We went in just to refresh our memories and learn more stuffs.
Anyway, would just like to share something with everyone.
Behold, the Toilet Bowl Restaurant.
Isn't it disgusting cute?
Mind Games meeting tomolo. Thesis meeting Friday. Alot work to be done.. Busy busy busy.
Till then...
why are there so many work to be done?
it's only the third week for this semester...
unfortunately...i'm selected as one of the group leader for Health Psychology...
little to my knowledge...
i need to do stuff like drawing lots...
update about group members...and so on....
who i have in my group?
- Cyril (perfectionist)
- Sharon (multilingual)
- daniel (ehm...)
- Yasmiza (work with her before...)
- Kok Wui (president of student council)
- Deeppa (voices of all)
i'm afraid....
but hope that everything will work well....
as the group project carries 40%....
that's alot....
Good luck Guys...
Till here....
I ran out of title.
Went to One World hotel in 1-Utama last Saturday nite for a Rotaract dinner. It sounded very grand and good and cool kind of thing at first, but when we were there, we were more of like being their helpers rather than their guest. People will be pin-pointing us to do this and that for them while they sit down and talk to their friends. A dinner that was supposed to end at 10.30 ended at 12pm, and it was not officially ended yet at that time. Just that it was already too late and we left.
On top of that, we helped them to do so many stuffs, they gave us the wrong information, and we get the scolding. Let me tell you some examples. Chen Ming and i were incharged to usher the so-caleld VIPS into the VIP room. A lady then came and told us to help her to sell some chocolates. So we were "forced" to go with her for a briefing on the prices of the products. When we returned, we get scolded simply becaused we left our post and the people who asked us to be usher had to do our job himself. Not bad enough? My dear was incharged with the registration and allocation of the tables. Little that she know that the list of names and table number that she was given by the lady was NOT THE UPDATED version. Hence things went messy for awhile and then finally she got scolded for her incompetency. They then brought in the UPDATED list and told her to continue doing. How about that? My friend, who happens to be a vegetarian, were only given a plate of 5 vege each time they serve a new dish on our table. All from the generousity of One World Hotel.
I personally don't think that it is fair for us.
However, we managed to pull it through. Basically, that was how i spent my weekend last week. Hope this week will be a better one.

Actually there are more...
but the pictures are too small when i upload here...
no idea why...
sorry for not able to show you more...
it's really nice and interesting...
is it really true?
no idea...
Till here...
Labels: life