Did my Thesis 2 defense today...
Suppose to start at 9am...
I reached there 9am sharp...
The venue has been changed to another room...
Rush to the other room...
It was lock... :(
Rush to Department of Psychology Office..
It was lock...
A lady walk past by and ask me why...
Told her I have defense and she open the door for me...
*Took quite some time to open the door*
Once inside, she told Jue Ying that i need the key to open the door for LH8.1
Open the door, on the lights, on the aircon...
Set up the laptop...
It's not working...
It's not projecting anything... :(
Asked Jue Ying about it...
Said sometimes it's like that...
I tried f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10..
with alt and all...
also can't...
end up...
showing the laptop to myself...
and handouts to my marker and co-marker...
Guess What?
The lady who opened the door for me just now was my co-marker...
Everything was OK...
I was kinda reading from the slides..
they will stop me here and there to ask some questions...
then comment after the presentation..
They said overall it was GOOD, well done!.
but there's a lot grammer mistake here and there..
it makes my grade drop at least a level...
a LEVEL is like FIVE percent...
How could GRAMMER account for so much marks?
I know my english not good...
will improve on that.. :(
Anyway, I'm Relieved NOW...
Done with Psychology..^^
Left Business...
Then i will graduate...
Today's class...
Language difference in different culture make a huge impact on communication..
For example :
Proton (Malay) = Pu - teng (Mandarin) = Puting (Malay)
can you see how direct translation make things worst?
another one is...
Toshiba (english) = Tou - cho -ba ( Mandarin) = let's steal it (english)
Have fun thinking more fun things...
Got to go for now..^^
Till here..
Labels: thesis
- I need to wake up at 6am..
- I always miss the 6.41am train..
- I need to take the 7.01am train..super pack..
- I need to queue super long queue for bus..If you know where is the airasia bus stop is...that's where you need to start queue for U82 bus at 7 something in the morning..
- The bus always comes together...people will only rush in the 1st one..
- I always miss the first bus...
- I need to run once I got down from the bus..
- I need to walk in the class with everyone looking at me especially the lecturer..
- I need to present in the class on why i like a certain advertisement... :(
- lot's more...
Can they do something to change this?
I have try to do something to charge it...
But it still doesn't change.. :(
Someone please HELP ME!
Till here...
Labels: college
I know there are luxury silver and passionate red...

I saw this pink one at a new Sony Ericsson Shop at Alamanda...
Really interested in it...
They say that it is limited edition...
However, the price RM1319.. :(
Sony centre only selling the normal one at RM1119
AP model only RM800-900...
but no pink color...
I want to buy new phone...
I want that phone... :(
need to dream on i guess..
Till here...
Labels: handphone
Reached there...
took a taxi to his home...
The usual Rm3-4 taxi fee turned out to be RM6.20!
That's like double of it...
Super expensixe...
Aside from that,
I asked the uncle for receipt so many times and he pretend that he didn't heard me...
HWD 731...
Watch out!
Try not to take taxi if you don't really need to..
They will be super rich in 1 month time..
Spend some time writing and learning the new deck dear pass to me just before the tournament start...
Played Kithkin...
Although i didn't win any special prizes...
but i'm proud of myself...
1st time result so good...
10 placing...^^
Won the 1st match..
Second match was in the winning position...
suddenly so many people crowd around...
do stupid mistake.. :(
i suppose to open mana for lapse of certainty, i used it to cast spectral possession..
Then, the next turn he hollow burial (something like that)..
All creature bottom library...
Lost that and also the 3rd match...SWT...
Lost confidence...
Keep a bad hand for Round 4 and lost it..
Gain back some confidence in Round 5...
win and won Round 6 too...^^

10 Placing Prize : Foil honor of the pure..ball lightning and another crap rare...
Lucky draw prize : January -August FNM card + Euro Land...
(No need play FNM also got..haha..)
Happy... :)
Haven't i mention the CHAMPION of the DAY??
Ten Ten Ten Ten...
It's MY DEAR!!!

1st Place Prize : 7 booster packs + Certificate + TOP 8 card
Lucky Draw Prize : i forgot the name...it's the card that you get when you get into TOP 8..
Congrats dear...
They actually seperated the prize earlier on...
So left only 7 packs..
Supposed to have 20 packs...
Have fun..
Thanks all...
Till here..
Labels: trading card game
Rest at home..
Rest till 1.30pm...
Ops..it's that too late?
Get some rest for myself...
been rushing for the whole week...
I just hate it to be late for class...
Everyone will look at you one kind...
even the lecturers...
I don't like this type of feelings...
I don't want to look into the class through the small window at the door...
To search for dear...
And make sure that I dash into the correct place within a milisecond...
Hoping that no one will see me..
Just hoping...
Of course everyone will look at me..
Once i open the Door...
Magic Practise at Mcdonald's...
It has been our tradition to eat and play at Midvalley Mcdonald's...
Played a few games with dear...
Not sure which deck to use for this coming Saturday games day..
Hope everything will go on smoothly...
Dear have been practising so difficuly...
and he couldn't go for PTQ...
family problem... :(
Feel bad for you dear...
Don't Sad k..
I with you...^^
Till here...
Labels: college, Sad, trading card game
which is 12am -3am..
to edit and print these....

I spent another few hours in college...
To print the turnitin report...
As it's 69%...
abit shock...
More thand 40% is my own paper which is my Thesis 1...
Print, Photocopy and bind them...
Drop them in the pigeon hole and there it goes...

Hope everything will goes on fine...
Missed class today...
Dear brought me to Ayamas to celebrate my completion of Thesis 2 report..
The chicken turned out to be super small compare to the last time we went there
(pictures to be update)
Played Magic for awhile...
Met Mike...
Went Coffee Bean...

I still prefer Starbucks..^^
Brand loyalty?
I don't think so...
Till here...
Labels: food, thesis, trading card game
It's 10th of August again, and this marks our 4th year together. Of course, 4 years together does not only mean 4 years of happiness... It comes with sadness, conflicts, and many more problems. But one thing is for sure. If we are able to hit 4 years, much with all those negative emotions etc etc, it means that we are holding on just fine ><
Anyways, we went to Genting (yes, again!) for 2 days, spent some time there enjoying the cool breeze and wind, walking around, catch a midnight movie, which we rarely get a chance to do so while in KL because me and my dear live in 2 opposite end of the town lol. Went after class on Monday, hence reached at around 4pm. Twas late already... not much time to play outdoor so we just walked around, then watch movie. Watched G.I. Joe... yea... it was way better than i had expected it to be. Haha.
Anyways, Happy Anniversary dear. love you ><
Labels: anniversary
I know... i may have said this several times. But it was holidays for the pass few weeks.. hence was lazying around doing nothing but enjoying life to the fullest.
Now that the business classes has resumed, me and my dear will need to go for boring exciting business classes. you see... we are minoring in marketing, with psychology as our major. hence, marketing is not as easy as it seems.
Classes were boring and on top of that, long hours. we have like, 4 and a half hour of class on wednesday, that's from 2pm till 6.30pm!!! and yes, its the same class for that long. Insane... Worst still, the lecturer is so lazy, that she just show us the tutorial questions in MSWord format, project it on the screen, and then ask us to answer it. Imagine needing to strain our eyes at a font sized 12 times new roman style... torture... worst still, she then asked us to swap our papers with our friends, and our friends can mark it for us. speachless..
Most of my friends have graduated and moved on.. wonder how are they now ...
Till then...