Melaka Trip

Went to Melaka last weekend with my dear and a couple of my college frens, namely Khim, ChenMing, Yan Ling, and Mic. Had so so much fun there.

My dear came and overnite at my house one day before the departure of the trip, so we spent some time going out yum cha wif my Kepong frens as well as watching some old vcds at my house during nite. There were so many old (when i say old it means 4-5 years old) movies that my dear has not watched before. The famous ones. So we watched like Ace Venture (yeah!!), etc.

Anyway, departed to Melaka the next morning. Mum dropped us at Kepong KTM and then we took train and then bus to Melaka.

In Melaka, we rented a HUGE apartment from Anna's fren in Melaka, for only RM200!! very cheap. There were 3 rooms in it. Cool huh?

Anyways, we did have fun in Melaka. Not much pictures i have, cause i was not the one carrying the camera. The pictures are with Yan Ling. Will upload them once i get it from her. Patient. Haha.

Anyways, these are some of the pictures taken by my phone.

That's Anna, our tour guide... stucked in a hole. We need to pull her out from it afterwards... *sigh* jux kiddin
Ze group, exclude me and my dear. From left : Anna, Yan Ling, Khim, Chen Ming & Mic

Chen Ming finally found the way to the toilet...

So is my dear ... lol

At first glance, i read the second line as "Sungai Tercemar Kehidupan BIASA". I need to stop and read it again to get the BINASA

Once nite came, we went to Jonker street to buy and walk the famous pasar malam of Melaka. haha. Then, John, Anna's bf from Melaka came and join us for a Satay Celup meal. Yummy...

The couple (John & Anna)

Frens enjoying the satay (Chen Ming enjoying ze prawns)

Same this side (Mic enjoying his satay lol)

All in all, it was a great trip. Would like to go there again wif frens.

Lastly, would reli like to thank Anna for her kind hospitality during our stay in Melaka.

Anna, next time please test you car hon at home, not on the street! lol.

Till then...


"Happy Independence Day Malaysia!"

Happy Merdeka!
Dear and I celebrated MERDEKA together... haha....
went shopping.... lots of SALES.... National Day Sales... haha....

Till here...

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