Bored at home

Yeah. Stayed at home on a Sunday. No plans today. So, spent half of my day creating some Magic cards. Got nothing to do. Will be going to church later. Have to play the guitar for the choir.

My dear went to help out in her grandma's house.

Anyways, business is growing fine. Hope that it will continue to grow...

Nothing much today.

Yesterday was Eventide's release party. Thanks to my dad who came home uber late, i was not able to join any of the events. Anyway, i managed to drop by at Manawerx later in the evening for a quick glance on how the event went.

Not much pictures taken though. Coz i wasn't playing. Haha.

Anyways, need to get ready for church later.

Last but not least, here's one of my favorite card that i created today.

Till then...


I apologies for not being able to spent much time here blogging and msging my dear....
i was too busy....tired and all....
so many things is going on... CUTE...the card....haha...
why la put me eating ice cream....
sorcery somemore...
so slow...hehe....

woke up superb early today...
8something on a sunday morning....
only ended up in morning market with mummy....

then, for the next 6 hour or so...
i have been folding those "kam zhi" (gold paper)....
for my grandfather 3rd year anniversary?
can it be call anniversary?
no idea...
didn't manage to take a picture....
was too busy folding...
but i can assure you that...
you need patient, patient and patient....

thumbs and fingers were tired...
the worst thing of all...
there is so many design to fold...
just like origami...

the funny thing is they gave each design a value...
like a small one...$10
bigger one $ 50
Large one $500...
and so on....

but who really knows about this?
no one use it before....
or rather...
no one that has pass away came back and told us what they really need...
and what they got from us...
anyone knows the truth?
i have no idea...


Till here...

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