tong zai yan zhong bian cheng lei zai xin zhong bian cheng hui
痛 在眼中變成淚 在心中變成灰
Pain, in my eyes it has become tears, in my heart it has become ashes

mei you shen me neng an wei
There isn't anything that can comfort me

pa bei shi jian bian cheng lei bei xiang xiang bian cheng bei
怕 被時間變成累 被想像變成悲
Afraid, that time will make me tired, turning what I have imagined to grief

xi wang dou bei fen sui
Hope has all been crushed

bu an you shi hui beng kui you shi hui yuan DUI
不安有時會崩潰 有時會怨懟
When I feel uneasy I would sometimes break down, sometimes I would enmity

hao xiang zen me dui dai dou bu dui
It seems like whatever you do/treat it/ isn't right

kan de chu ni yin cang duo shao de pi BEI
It can be seen how much exhaustion you have hidden

que hai shi jian chi zhe ai bu duan jia bei
But you still strongly believe that love will continue to double

rang wo gan dong ye rang wo kui dui
It has made me really touched and made me feel ashamed

xie xie ni men ai wo de mei ge ren
謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
Thank you, each and everyone who love me

zai wo de ren sheng zui xiang yi chang e meng de lü cheng
who have accompanied me to break and bravely wake up

pei wo zheng tuo yong gan de qu xing lai
陪我掙脫 勇敢地去醒來
from this journey in my life, which is the most like a nightmare,

dang wo de hu wei wei wo DAO gao xin ling geng qiang ren
當我的護衛 為我禱告心靈更強韌
(thank you) for being my bodyguards and for praying for me so that my heart will become even more robust

xie xie ni men ai wo de mei ge ren
謝謝你們 愛我的每個人
Thank you, each and everyone who love me

rang wo nu li HOU ke yi xie xie zi ji hen tan cheng
for letting me work hard so I'll be able to thank myself then for being honest

hui xiang bu tong huo jue wang dao duo kai
會想不通 或絕望到躲開
I would (sometimes) not understand or lose hope and hide away

dan ni men zuo de zong rang wo xiang jian qiang fu ze ren wei le ai zhong sheng
但你們做的 總讓我想堅強負責任 為了愛重生
But the things you do always make me want to be strong and take responsibility and to be reborn for love

xin bai tuo ye de hei wang lan tian er fei bei yang guang bao wei
心 擺脫夜的黑 往藍天而飛 被陽光包圍
Heart, has broken away from the darkness of the night and is flying towards the blue skies being surrounded by sunlight

zhi wei le ni yi ju wo xiao de hao mei
只為了 你一句我笑得 好美
For one sentence you say I would smile beautifully

wo ren zhu le tai man zhang de lei
我忍住了 太漫長的淚
I would hold in the long-lasting tears

kan de chu ni yin cang duo shao de pi BEI
It can be seen how much exhaustion you have hidden

que hai shi jian chi zhe ai bu duan de jia bei
But you still strongly believe that love will continue to double

rang wo gan dong ye rang wo kui dui
It has made me really touched and made me feel ashamed

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