I watched Inborn Pairs...

Episode 27...

You only will make you ownself suffer..
The person He love is not you..
Take out your clever mind and rational thinking...
Don't be so stupid wait for this relationship that won't have a good ending..

Who say that we won't have good ending?
Who say he love her?
He just at one point...just..

You can't even convince yourself...

It's complicated..

You say i don't understand..
Love someone that don't love you..
Wait for a relationship that won't happen...
I know this feeling..
I more suffer than you...

I want to stay..

This is your choice..
I respect your decision..
But if you feel pain and disappointed seeing this relationship, just turn behind..
I will be there...

How come because of this few sentences..
I can cry so badly..
Because i felt...
What she say....
And his advice...
Is so true..
Why i can't accept it? :(

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